Tuesday, December 22, 2009

my last update of e year...

hey hey hey ya all!!!!!!!!!

tell u wad....
i'm going off for holidae dis wikend...
so, i'm updating in advanced...

n m gonna miss baby much....
went out wif baby on saturdae n mondae...
had much fun n crap spilling our other side to each other...
i love all e laughter n tok cork...
thanks baby for making my dae...

gawd damn i miss old tymes...
so, i've decided to post up some old pictures...
so, do browze thru but comment eh???
lets see how it goes...

in picture : ema me aqillah kassim...
Location: outside ite simei...
caption: jus went for registeration in dat skul wif aqillah n bumped in2 dem...

In picture: aqillah n me..
Location: toilet in east point 1st level...
caption: after we ate at 18 chefs... n we wore e same baju!!!! jiwe sisters... twins!!!!

In picture: aqillah n me...
Location: in pick up otw 2 my house...
caption: was 1 of my old besties wedding n we had a blast!!! took many pictures dere n otw home... aqillah changed at my home...

In pictures: aqillah n me...
Location: same as above...
caption: i miss dat hair colour!!!! lawa kan??? had no work lah... letting tyme pass us by...

In picture: azizan n me...
location: damai secondary school...
caption: was racial harmony dae... dressed up as a chinese last year in my sec 5 daes... me n nora 4got dat we set tymer to take e picture...

In picture: whye kit? n me...
Location: in classroom at damai sec...
caption: jus posing arnd n he had to point dat fake gun at me... hump!!!!

In picture: norazizan n me...
Location: damai sec 5a1 classroom...
caption: she was trying to tell me sumting but i cnt remember... soooo hilarious...

In picture: santhine me n sankari(shangkri)....
Location: ite college east (simei)...
caption: was last dae of 1.1 teory b4 our attachment...

In picture: yana a.k.a mcm babi, aliah, me, sally, santhine, sankari, elyas....
location: in bio science theory classroom at ite ce...
caption: a mini group photo... we were all bored... just got our class test results...

In picture: aisyah, aliah n me...
location: at lab 20? in ite ce level 6...
caption: was mask fitting dae in 1.1... so, had to wear dem on... cool kan??? hahaha...

in picture: nora n me...
location: in mrt otw 2 paris...
caption: took our reflection in e mrt... nad did'nt join uh... wae bck during our sec 5 daes...

in picture: me n nora...
location: vivocity level 4 eh??? entah... near e water wadding area...
caption: letting tyme pass b4 our o levels or is it after o's??? entah...

In picture: nadiah nora n me...
location: eunos mrt platform...
caption: nad jus came n we snapped picture... b4 vivocity...

(sori dis picture thumbsize...)
In picture: me aqillah n nad...
location: damai sec....
caption: posing on table 4 fun...

in picture: aqillah me n nadiah...
location: our 4a1 classroom...
caption: actually, we r on our enemys table... still posing...

in picture: aqillah me n nadiah...
location: in damai sec 4a1 classroom...
caption: our last picture b4 we went home 4 e dae feeling satisfied wif our shoe work on their table...

In picture: shafiqa me jaliah julie sherry...
location: damai secondary 2a1 classroom...
caption: after our lady marmalade song tired singing it n den pose!!!! wen i was wearing my specs... during my 14th year...

in picture: me aqillah nadiah nora...
location: damai sec 4a1 classroom...
caption: those hapi tymes we had in sec 4... e bitch, crazy, emo n blur... bitch goddess kate kan...

In picture: my chongsam 4 my sec 5 daes...
Location: room at home...
caption: gosok pon belom...

In picture: e china tingie n me...
location: sumwhere near e old padang where i hve no idea...
caption: posing by myself nad taking e picture... during sec 5 daes...

in picture: me..
location: at home my sisters room...
caption: in jimjams posing wif shades n cap... random ppl... please understand...

dats all 4 e dae...
wud grab more pics wen i have e tyme n update u ppl...
till den...
tc ppl...

wif lotza luv hugs n kisses...
miss basher the 3rd...