Friday, August 03, 2007
sho well...hay ahy ahy ppl!!! i'm bck!!! ellah babe cud not cum onlyne 2dae cauze of e bro...wad a waste!!! th de lh...bkn salah kau ellah...aku phm...well ouhk...let me start wif 2dae...az it waz...damn stoupid dae!!! nad got spellin 4m mr lee...pluz dat bitch oso got spellin 4m mr lee...kwang kwanh kwang...i waz waitin 4 diz 4 diz whole week shia!!!wad e hell!!! tpi she tk kene terok nh uh...tk fun!!! kalu tk,i laugh at her lyke mad sheyh!!! n den,ellah go n talk 2 dat bitch man!!! wtf!!! nvm...aku tk slh kn kau ellah....die tk de kwn snatch org laen nye kwn...aku phm....
heek...k k diz iz so my new name...actual fact,itz my london name...MAZIAH ROSE LOVEWIT BASHER!!! thank u all hu gave me diz name!!! luv u all...especiallie nad babe 4 gyvin me e name BASHER 4m my dadiez name BASHIR...juz change e I to E....hehe...
n diz iz waz mr sicktoe(thnx nad 4 gyvin me diz name 2 hym) nye mnm...he gave uz 4 well bahavin durin e mr koh(ellah babe nye matair) n mrs phee nye klaz observation!!! i got 2!!!!
well...k k...e pic at e top n below r e bitches pic!!! e left 1 iz SHITTY ARFAH BINTE AZHAR!!! dat big fat sholic barbarianic jicky piggy bitch!!! my gawd...she juz sux!!! she e actual BBBB...dat iz BLARDIE BITCH BABI BUNTAL!!!! datz wad she iz!!!! The left 1, i dun hate her actuallie...but she tinkZ DAT WE HATE HER!!!how typical she iz...diz iz all thankz 2 dat BBBB!!!!!
n well hey hey...c wad i've got here???diz iz at my old house uh...my painted finger nailz pluz dat stopid hair pluz dat damn face!!! n dat beautiful ORANGE colour handz n nyte gawn! huhu...
ouhk...i'm sho darn tired alreadie uh...sho i stop here je lh ekh???i nid my darlin rest....n yay!!! i chatted 2 dinosaur!!!! at last i've got e guttz!!! i waz sho shcared man!!! damn shcared...but lucklie he ckp baek2...n pluz i cnt 4get dat cute smyle og hyz!!! hehehe...n ellah dun u even dare 2 break dat newz 2 ani1!!! n sho lyke dat lyke dat uh....chiowz ma ppl!!!
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