Monday, April 14, 2008

My lepz...

well... ouhk2... hey hey hey ya all... haha been sumtyme since i posted up sumtin...

ouhk... actuallie kn, i wanna post up sum picz n all u noe... tpi kn... e cam iz wif my sis hilyah uh... kalu tk kn, u guyz get 2 c sum stopid picturez of me being bandaged uh... aaahahahaha... ni luh... blaja 4m dem... their fault uh ni... damn drng uh... sheesh... pluz b4 i 4get, CONGRATZ 2 KAK AIL 4 PASSING HER FIRST FIRST AID TEST N OBTAINED IT AT DAT MOMENT!!! padahal itz been sum daez ago luh sheyh... haha... lyke effing real luh sheyh aku... haha... u big fark!!!

ouhk2... juz now kn, i lepz wif my abgz n kakakz... namelie ira... Daya... n Amy... 4 e kakakz section... 4 abgz... itz Ace... ayam... kecik... n sum otherz yg i donnoe... sum kakakz oso tk kenal uh... but tk puh... bbul2 ngn drng jek uh... tk mati pe??? den we were damn e kecohrablez luh sheyh... except 4 e gay partner... maen psp jek... lyke derez no1 arnd dem... we were super uber noisey luh sheyh... mcm org giler... i reli tink dat dey r e bez ppl i eva noe... soooo lyke doze my type of frenz... yg tk basterdkn member... side member... n oso console member wen needed... i wish i waz their klazmatez ke pe sheyh... i juz wish my real fren r alwaez dere 4 me... not lyke e fake 1s i hve... damn... i had such a gud laugh after sooo farking long... my so called frenz hve forgotten me sumhow... n i trusted e wrong ppl... i'm juz sooo sad... i cnt possibly do anitin ryte now... i'm too tired... i'm alreadie in a few warz... n now i've gotta add e burden of my so called frenz... man... peace iz difficult 2 find... but fark it... 4get it uh... e more i tink of it, e more i tink ppl r lying 2 me n al.. alah... buat bodo sudah... makez me sick onli tink of diz all...

den kan aqillah... sori tau babe aku tk g umpe kau... aku g umpe kakakz n abgz aku uh... lgik2, u juz msged me n told me ur tymetable change uh... mayb fridae??? pzl i dun hve animore cca uh.. dh stand down dh... so we can mit up n get updatez 4m each other... pluz i'm sick of cing e slutz faces uh... damn irritaiting... lgik2 u noe hu??? haiya... wen we mit ouhk babe??? aku tell kau all... n u can tell me all e rest dat u tink iz necessary ekh??? hahakz.. luv ya too babe...

n den kn, juz now in skul, HAPI 18th BURFDAE IQMAL... kau tau ke tk, tk puh uh... haha... den durin chem, we had a practical mock exam... n it waz qyte tough luh sheyh... den after dat, i had engilsh... at last sicktoe come.. he waz hospitalized az he had high blood pressure uh... a week off skul 4 hym... den kn, i had 2 do e speach out loud n proud... well, bnyk org tk pecaye it waz my voice... ouhk i admit... i hve a cute voice on phone... n i m damn shy wen ppl get 2 noe it... damn... haiya... uh... fark it uh...

dh luh... i'm sooo tired of typing... pluz i cnt use e com 4 too long uh... aha... sooo till dem ya al.. peace!!!

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